John J. Huckle

约翰拥有超过20年的领导经验,作为一名高级管理人员,为大型和全球企业开启了数字化的希望, builder and thought leader. 约翰是数字化运营模式的狂热倡导者,这种模式可以减少员工体验中的摩擦, drive customer growth and enable business outcomes. 

As a serial entrepreneur, 约翰作为组织的高效催化剂有着丰富的经验, empathy-driven, successful teams. With multiple exits, 他的热情是利用基于数字的bet9平台游戏来推动咨询bet9平台游戏提供商的高速增长.

As a Digital Innovator, John在SaaS平台(ServiceNow)方面拥有丰富的经验, Salesforce, Workday), web and mobile technologies, Robotic Process Automation and Agile methods. 他在使用这些工具推动零售业务的切实改进方面有着良好的记录, manufacturing, 金融bet9平台游戏业和专业bet9平台游戏业. 

John喜欢帮助客户在规模和增长之间找到不断发展的平衡, innovation and control, service and commoditization, 他理解提升人们个人生活和bet9游戏平台的重要性. 

Before coming to Schneider Downs, 约翰是德勤咨询公司的高级顾问和Freemarkets的产品负责人, 他在哪里帮助将世界上第一个数字反向拍卖产品推向市场. 他还创办了一家数字化转型咨询公司,后来卖给了ServiceNow咨询公司,后来又被NTT Data收购. 此外,约翰还在一家定制移动/网络开发公司创立了消费者技术业务.


B.S. - Information Technology, Duquesne University

Do you have a hobby/personal passion?
我想说我的爱好是跑步,对我来说,它带来了平静、空间和宣泄. The health benefits are pretty good too. 

Who is your role model?
I would say that my role model is my mom.  她是一名音乐老师,冒着很大的风险创办并发展了自己的金融bet9平台游戏公司,而我哥哥, sister, 我的尿布都快用完了我真的很佩服她的野心, grit, and determination.

我会告诉自己要尽早投资比特币、亚马逊和特斯拉. Seriously, 我建议大学时代的自己要知道自己的价值,永远不要为自己在某种情况下所带来的观点感到抱歉. 

People would be surprised to know that I…

What was your first job?
My first job was a Consultant at Deloitte Consulting 

Do you have a “motto”? (spoken or unspoken)
“进步高于完美”——今天的市场和生活都在加速发展, 在你的行动中过度分析和瀑布意味着你错过了很多及时的经验可以启发你的东西.

My default is spending additional time with my kids, 我们最喜欢做的事情就是探索当地的美食, enjoying the arts (either ballet or the symphony), spending time outside, or playing video games.

Do you have advice for young professionals?
Lean into being uncomfortable – take that stretch assignment; work on the soft skills that are not innate to your personality; take the risk of trying a new career path, a new industry, a new geography, a new role.

John J. Huckle

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New accounting methods for significant refunds.

A part of Schneider Downs since 1988, Jay Meglich为各种企业和免税组织提供审计和咨询bet9平台游戏.

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